Visualizzazione post con etichetta 2011. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta 2011. Mostra tutti i post

The Gazette - The Suicide Circus


My Vision decays
Here is a hell on earth
I felt a chill
The disappointment that increases
Nobody can rewind time
Don't look away
Suicide circus

La mia visione decade
C'è un inferno sulla terra
Ho sentito un brivido
Il disappunto che incrementa
Nessuno può riavvolgere il tempo
Non guardare via
Circo del suicidio

Aged hatred and young cold-blooded mind
Reason of the chill
The Poverty is squirming there
Nobody can rewind time
A scattering Merciless scene

Odio datato e mente giovane dal sangue freddo
Ragione del brivido
La povertà si sta dimenando
Nessuno può riavvolgere il tempo
Una scena spietata che si sta sperdendo 

People are attracted by this choking liveliness
Even the terror that got stuck to this hand that I touched is fading soon

La gente è attratta da questa vivacità
Persino il terrore che è rimasto bloccato a questa mano che ho toccato sta svanendo presto

All is paralyzed
Chain reaction
Sympathizers with a similar pain

Tutto è paralizzato
Reazione a catena
Simpatizzanti con un dolore simile

I'm embracing a future that cannot be saved 
as well as this weakness that slipped up
I cut off this depressed self that I lose sight of 
as well as that pulse that I wanted you to know
As well as this depression 
I'm crossing path with during these days full of suffering 
that suddenly blocked the sight before my eyes
In these words that resulted from love I'm embracing hatred
as well as this madness which I expose freely

Sto imbracciando un futuro che non può essere salvato
così bene come la debolezza che è scivolata
Ho tagliato via  questo depresso me di cui ho perso vista
così come le pulsazioni che ho voluto tu conoscessi
così come questa depressione
Sto percorrendo sentieri con la durata di questi giorni pieni di sofferenza
Che improvvisamente hanno bloccato la vista prima dei miei occhi
In queste parole che risultano con amore che sto imbracciando l'odio
così bene come questa follia che espongo liberamente

I can't turn back 
I'm too entangled
Even death becomes the pray

Non posso tornare indietro
Sono troppo intrecciato
Persino la morte diventa una preghiera

Heartless day
Bottom of the abyss
Suicide circus
Why is it repeated?
Suicide circus

Giorno senza cuore
Profondo degli abissi
Circo del suicidio
Perchè viene ripetuto?
Circo del suicidio

Justice died
Bottom of the abyss
Suicide circus
Why is it repeated?
Suicide circus

Giustizia morta
Profondo degli abiss
Circo del suicidio
Perchè viene ripetuto?
Circo del suicidio

My Devil on the Bed - The Gazette

Mary...Kiss my chest deeply
Chloe's femininity makes me mad with desire

Mary... bacia profondamente il mio petto

La femminilità di Chloe mi fa arrabbiare con desiderio

Mary...Your the eyes
Our entangled breaths are lukewarm

Mary... tuoi gli occhi

I nostri respiri impigliati sono tiepidi

Abandon insanity
Scatter instinct

Abbandona l'insanità

Disperdi l'istinto

Bite me without averting your eyes
So that it won't spill at my tip of tongue

Mordimi senza evitare i tuoi occhi

Così da non versarsi alla punta della mia lingua

Endless fuckin' show time

Fottuto show infinito

The beautiful devil on the bed
Tempt me by masturbation
The beautiful devil on the bed
Let's have sex in darkness

Il bellissimo diavolo sul letto

Tentami con la masturbazione
Il bellissimo diavolo sul letto
Facciamo sesso nell'oscurità

Short play The top floor of our climax
Soon it seems to be laughing there

Gioco breve    Il piano del nostro orgasmo

Presto sembra  ridere qui

Endless fuckin' show time

Fottuto show infinito

The beautiful devil on the bed
Tempt me by masturbation
The beautiful devil on the bed
Let's have sex in darkness

Il bellissimo diavolo sul letto
Tentami con la masturbazione
Il bellissimo diavolo sul letto
Facciamo sesso nell'oscurità

Abandon insanity

Abbandona l'insanità

Tempt me by masturbation

Tentami con la masturbazione

My devil on the bed

il mio diavolo sul letto

Versailles - Masquerade

Ah...the truth has broken
now, it's crumbling while making a noise
the night of the moment when all is disclosed

Ah... la verità è stata rotta

ora, è diroccata mentre fa un rumore
la notte del momento quando tutto è rivelato

again...what is a lie?
what we can have trust in? [I don't know]
I can see it all in you
to the shapeless heart
with plain words
now let's sing

ancora... cos'è una bugia?

In cosa possiamo fidarci? [Non lo so]
Posso vederlo tutto in te
al cuore informe
Con semplici parole
adesso cantiamo

I can't leave you alone
When I close my eyes
like falling stars
even the moonlight wants to drink and drain it, and it'll be good
for the eternity called darkness

Non posso lasciarti da sola

Quando chiudo gli occhi
Come stelle cadenti
persino la luce della luna vuole bere e scolarlo, e sarà buono
per l'eternità chiamata oscurità

this world is a Masquerade
the souls dance in the ball wearing a mask
embracing the real you that only the eyes reflect
I'm falling into destiny

Questo mondo è una finzione

le anime ballano nella sfera indossando una maschera
imbracciando la vera te che solo gli occhi riflettono
Sto cadendo nel destino

I can't leave you alone
When I close my eyes
overflowing in the stars
I was born to meet you
trusting the meaning of eternity

Non posso lasciarti da sola

Quando chiudo gli occhi
traboccando nelle stelle
Sono nato per incontrarti
fidandomi del significato dell'eternità

this world is a Masquerade
the souls dance in the ball wearing a mask
embracing this heart and you, unknown but for the eyes
I'm falling into destiny

Questo mondo è una finzione

Le anime ballano nella sfera indossando una maschera
imbracciando questo cuore e te, sconosciuta ma per gli occhi
Sto cadendo nel destino

Like a Masquerade
Like a Masquerade

Come una finzione
Come una finzione
Bahhh, non sono andata a scuola. (Allora il video c'è!)

Hizaki is luv

Look what I've found of our cute, little Hizaki-chan, guitarist of Versailles...

for Giusy's happiness .-.

Giusy will die of jealousy... ok, I think is very very loveable

Dir en Grey - Lotus

I close my eyes
This place is blue
The toki bird cries
The storm took my heart away
Wanting to feel tomorrow along with the picture that's now peeling and rotting away

Chiudo i miei occhi

Questo posto è blu
L'uccello piange
Lo stormo ha preso via il mio cuore 
Volendo sentire il domani assieme all'immagine che si sta sbucciando e marcendo

Can't erase the tears from memory
Even this sound of darkness probably won't heal anymore
Somehow knowing that...
Tears come running down again from the memory
Look around
There's probably no one to live for now...alone

Non posso cancellare le lacrime dai miei ricordi

Persino questo suono di oscurità probabilmente non vuole guarire più
In qualche modo sapendolo...
Le lacrime corrono via ancora dalla mia memoria
Guarda intorno
Probabilmente non c'è nessuno che vive per ora... solo.

The un-erasable wound
Isn't it as beautiful?
If the dream withered, will you still love?
It's true, tomorrow will not be all glitters
Your weak intention is not a scar, giving you a reason to look back

La ferita incancellabile

Nonè così bella?
Se il sogno secco, amerai ancora?
è Vero, domani non tutto sarà brillantini
La tua debole intenzione non è una cicatrice, dandoti una ragione per guardarti indietro

Can't erase the tears from memory
Even this sound of darkness probably wont' heal anymore
Somehow knowing that...

Non posso cancellare le lacrime dai miei ricordi
Persino questo suono di oscurità probabilmente non vuole guarire più
In qualche modo sapendolo...

It is breaking
The night
Throwing everything away in front of your eyes
You are the moon
You shall cry and sleep

Si sta rompendo

la notte
Lanciando via tutto davanti ai tuoi occhi
Sei la luna
Devi piangere e dormire

A mistake won't change one's way of life
Be proud and let the pure white lotus blossom
Your strong intentions won't be shaken anymore
The free sky
Close your eyes
What is believing?

Un errore non cambierà il modo di vita di uno
Sii fiera e fai sbocciare il bianco e puro loto
Le tue forti intenzioni non saranno più scosse
Il libero cielo
Chiudi i tuoi occhi
Cosa sta credendo?

Venomous Cell: Live Tour 2011

preso da qui10/10 (mon)
東京国際フォーラム ホールA 
Tokyo international forum hall A
12/10 (wed)
nagoya chukyo daigaku bunka shimin kaikan Aurora hall
13/10 (thu)
神奈川県民ホール 大ホール
  kanagawa prefecture kenmin Hall
15/10 (sat)
 Hachioji olympus hall
18/10 (tue)
chiba prefecture bunkakaikan
19/10 (wed)
鴻巣市文化センター (クレアこうのす)
 konosu city ( saitama prefecture ) bunka center
24/10 (mon)
滋賀県立芸術劇場 びわ湖ホール 大ホール
  shiga prefecture ritsugeijutsu gekijou biwako hall
26/10 (wed)
niigata terssa
27/10 (thu)
ishikawa prefecture komatsu geijutsu gekijou urara
29/10 (sat)
  fukuoka sunpalace
31/10 (mon)
maebashi city municipal cultural hall
1/11 (tue)
長野県・ホクト文化ホール 中ホール
  nagano prefecture Hokto Cultural Hall
4/11 (fri)
秋田市文化会館 大ホール
akita city bunkakaikan big hall
6/11 (sun)
sendai sunplaza hall
8/11 (tue)
大宮ソニックシティ 大ホール 
oomiya Sonic city big hall
9/11 (wed)
大宮ソニックシティ 大ホール 
oomiya Sonic city big hall
11/11 (fri)
静岡市清水文化センター 大ホール
shizuoka city Shimizu cultural center big hall
14/11 (mon)
なら100年会館 大ホール
nara centennial hall big hall
16/11 (wed)
山形市民会館 大ホール
Yamagata city Citizens’ Hall
18/11 (fri)
Aomori city Civic Hall
21/11 (mon)
市川市文化会館 大ホール
ichikawa city cultural center big hall
23/11 (wed)
tochigi ken sobun cultural center
25/11 (fri)
三重県文化会館 大ホール
mie cultural center big hall
28/11 (mon)
30/11 (wed)
松山市総合コミュニティセンター キャメリアホール
Matsuyama Multi-Purpose Community Center Camellia Hall
3/12 (sat)
sapporo city shimin Hall
[OPEN17:30/START18:00 ]
aggiornamento: "Omega"Venomous Cell 2012 grand finale at Yokohama Arena 2012-01-14

Toxic Interview -All Members-


All Song Liberating Explanation
All-Member Interview

RUKI:Because this is the album’s entry to the end, time-wise it’s compact, so we decided to make something which isn’t too impressive from the sound aspect. The original form is the song we played during an FC Tour called [FROM THE DISTORTED CITY] (started in 2008). But, the roughly original form hadn’t been fixed. As much as possible, we wanted to create a song which doesn’t carry too much specific meaning.

=This song’s lyrics is written by RUKI-kun, right.
RUKI: I think it might be the song which is the strongest in symbolizing the image carried in the album, [TOXIC]. The world has gradually become more and more modernized. In the middle of digitalization, it’s not only beneficial, but bugs and error were also born here and there. The digital element inserted in the arrangement is related to that.
=Then at the same time, with its interweaving play of the flesh and blood,  this is the song which creates the highlight scene for the members.
Aoi: In the very beginning, there’s a part when together the guitars’ sequence barks “Ja, ja, ja!” right? Speaking about the mood, that part was played in the nostalgic “Juliana Tokyo”  kind of feeling (laughs). To put it in words, it is a bit calm. But while putting in the digital element, when we felt like we don’t want to make it that much of a digital sound, there were some points where we compromised and it became like that.
Uruha: This song has various elements in it, it was difficult to pursue the sounds. Just like what Aoi said, this is a song where the sound of a band mingles with digital parts. The guitars also bring sounds resulted from a tricky approach, but we organized it so it doesn’t turn out to be strangely fickle.
Kai: Starting from this year, we’re in the middle of reaching the point that we’re able to produce the sounds we wanted in recording. This song was also recorded in good condition.
Reita: When we were recording, it hadn’t been decided that this song will be put right after the SE ended. Now that we put this song here, suddenly I think this has turned out to be an exciting album right from the beginning. To say it personally, the drums recorded in this song has really great sounds, and because of that there were times when I thought that the bass can’t lose (laughs). That’s why before recording I was practicing the who~le time.
Aoi: That is for the sake of recording in one take?
Reita: That’s right. These days, in the editing, aren’t you able to cut and paste things as you pleased? But if you play (your instruments) properly, recording it in one go will absolutely make it a better take. I put my spirit into it and recorded it.
=By the way, the development of the ending in this song is very unique. The coercive feeling in the middle, how is it going to be in the next live?
Uruha: Aa, that is coercive (laughs). However, I think maybe for the live we will reproduce it as it is. No matter how there will be a good balance with the song coming after that, we want to introduce the mood properly.

=I was surprised by this song’s depth (laughs). An absolutely intense finishing touch.
Kai: It isn’t just simply deep, there’s a sudden break in the middle of this song. There’s peculiarity, as well as difficult spot. Up until now we hadn’t had this kind of developing song.
RUKI: The truth is, the steps in the original melody is deeper than this. But there, Kai said, “This is not a song a human can play.” (laughs), so we slowed down the speed a little.
=In the middle there is Reita-kun’s bass solo, but there seemed to be trial and errors until it became like that.
Reita: Speaking about the length, the bass solo is a bit short, but this time I recorded that part over and over again. I needed to rise the tension just like during live to play and handle such depth only in that packed phrase. Unexpectedly, because I had never really done such thing with that much tension in the studio, it took time to grasp the feeling.
=Again, in this song there are a lot of phrases played in unison by the stringed instrument team. In short, this may be a song in which it’s important to let out the group feelings. 
Aoi: Certainly, in the recording as well, this is the song whose mood was settled in one go. It would be over soon if it’s too much, so it’s like there’s no remaining recollection about this song (laughs).
Uruha: For me, this is a song which has miraculous points. In the beginning, guitar rock or melodic hardcore atmosphere was felt. But, when I tried to do it for real, just vigour won’t make it interesting. Mute, cutting, tapping, this has become a song fully loaded with various elements. Different from the usual rock, I’m happy that the GazettE-like fun and originality can come out in the sounds.
=Well then, I’d like to ask about the theme of the lyrics. The title is [SLUDGY CULT], and just like it’s been expressed, the subject is very cynical.
RUKI: But, it doesn’t particularly criticize something. The fans, too, if they only look at these words they might not understand the meaning well. We~ll, this is what I thought unintentionally. Isn’t everyone precious, kind of feeling? It’s not that I want to hit and attack someone with something, just letting out something inside me arbitrarily with somewhat punk spirit, it’s that kind of song. That’s why without exploring too deeply about the meaning of the words, but instead listening to it as “a song” will make my scream come accross straighter. That’s what I feel.
=This is something which has come out in a single, and it seems that the mixing is different.
Kai: Yes. We fixed the mixing only for the drum sounds. When we assembled the newly written songs, once again we tried to line all songs up and listen to them. When we did that, the sound of the songs coming from singles became a little light. Because when we were recording some of the singles, especially starting from this year, the method of recording the drums changed considerably. Of course, originally my true feeling was to put it in like that without really touching the sound. But thinking about totality of the album, we modified the balance.
RUKI: To a certain extent, in the mix the low vocal is emphasized. By the way, a little back then on twitter I kind of wrote things like, “We’re mixing [Red]“. After I did that, “I’m looking forward to what kind of composition it will be.” I got that kind of replies. I am gonna say this beforehand,  the remix I said isn’t the kind of remix which was entrusted to some DJ (laughs).
Uruha: I see, when one says remix there are people who think like that. Way to use words is difficult.
Kai: The song shape stays like that, simply only the drum sound’s balance was changed. Because it’s that kind of remix, so please don’t misunderstand to that extent (laughs).
RUKI: This time, because of the remix we had done, we discovered that “Originally, this is how the song  should be listened.” 

=In a sense, it can be said that this song is the representative song in this album. This time, it seems that you’ve shot a PV, right.
Reita: The (music) clip, it’s amazing. There were so many people who stood out more than us (laughs).
Uruha: It’s terrific, isn’t it. Seriously unreasonably cool.
Reita: First of all it’s a big assembly of the type of people you can’t meet if you walk down the road just as usual (laughs).
Kai: Certainly (laughs).
=Eeh?! What do you mean?
Aoi: Except for us, the (music) clip turned out to be like a circus group.
Uruha: The place where we shot it (the PV),  because it was an amusement park which isn’t used anymore. It was a very special situation. The lightings attached around the Merry-Go-Round, for example, had been renewed for this photoshoot, too. It was impressive up to the small details, so you better watch it.
=The original plot for the (music) clip, was it RUKI kun who planned it?
RUKI: That’s right. I turned in the rough draft. In the beginning, I described in details for example the incidents happening in Japan now one by one, and I also had been thinking to show those incidents, too.  But when we tried to film it, but more than the detailed happenings, the whole atmosphere resulted in a (music) clip with a peculiar feeling. Well, it’s not a movie but a clip, that’s why this is interesting.
=When RUKI kun were writing the lyrics, what kind of things did you aim for?
RUKI: This so-called “SUICIDE CIRCUS” here means a show. The main point was the information flowing from television or somewhere, for example. Regarding the (music) clip, it depicts the condition where people’s senses are gradually becoming numb.
=So [Vision's decay] in the beginning (of the song) is the words that summarized the aspect.
RUKI: Well, at least that’s how I see it, I just wrote it as it is.
=I see. Well then, about the sound aspect, I’d be happy if you could tell us about the point in each part of the instruments.
Kai: This song has been the foundation song  to produce [TOXIC], at any rate producing the sound took up the longest time.
Uruha: With Kai, the two of us tried absolutely every possibility, from dynamic mics to everything. Moreover, in the end we said “As I thought let’s try doing the foundation with the usual method”. When we didn’t do anything and just continued doing it with the same manner after experimenting on various things, as I thought the sensation aspect was different. That’s why we didn’t have any problem after we started the recording itself. I’m glad we tried it.
=If anything, piling up experience is an important thing.
Reita: Concerning the bass, in this album, this is a song in which we didn’t put all the unique elements, and the phrases are played only by the chord. Only in this song, playing simple is a better settlement.
Aoi: About the melody, for the whole band rather than playing it frantically vigorous, it’s more about where in this song it can be called as show-like. While playing it, I thought it would be good if this song has capability to make (people) dance. The moment I received the song, it was a song which immediately filled my head with how we want to present this song in live or PV. That’s why for the arrangement, I made the outcome really simple. My decision to make phrases that can still be played while dancing, whether it’s right or not, I think it can be verified at the next live’s place. Or perhaps I should say, I want to verify it (laughs).

=Already, when I listen to this song I even feel a little nostalgic. 
Kai: Yes, because this is a song which came out more than a year ago.
Uruha: When I listen to it now, I feel that at that time there was a peculiar tension.
RUKI: To put it simply, it was last year’s sound. That’s why as much as possible this song was also remixed with focusing on the drums so that it doesn’t seem out of place inside the album.
Reita: The difference in the sound I produced, if it’s compared to the previous (sound), it’s the object of brief entertainment.
Aoi: But look, if we didn’t say especially “We will remix it”, unexpectedly the fans won’t notice, will they (laughs)??
Reita: Oi, don’t say something like that (laughs).
=This is Uruha-kun’s song, isn’t it.
Aoi: The temporary title for this song was [SHOW TIME], right?
Uruha: Yes, tentatively (laughs). But, because it was really temporary. I think during the next live, it will be fresh to have a song which can create sort of a “show time” scene, so this is what I created in my own special way. Because it’s a song with continuous springing up rythm, I think won’t it excite the audience easily?
=In this song’s intro, there are parts where the rythm section has to work hard as the leader, right.
Reita: That, before the singing part comes in, to say the truth I was a bit uneasy. Only with the sound coming from two people, to what extent is it possible for us to carry the aura? I think like that (laughs).
Uruha: Moreover, isn’t this kind of rhythm your favorite type?
Kai: Umm. I wonder if it is? If you ask me which one is it, I think it can be this one (bitter laughs).
RUKI: Eh, really? I thought your favorite one is shuffle (laughs).
Kai: No, up until now I thought like that too. But look, trying to do this song this time might have changed my judgement. Up until now I make mistakes in hitting (the drums) for the type of songs I’ve never played before, too, but as I thought this one is difficult.
=So to that extent, this is a personal song.
Uruha: Because he seemed out to be pretty high strung, during the recording when I said, “I want to change this part” I was flipped by, “Why is that!” (bitter laughs)
Kai: Wait a minute, it wasn’t like that! I think I said, “Eh?!” but it wasn’t like I flipped you off, after that didn’t I play the drums properly! Haven’t I been accepting a~ll of your requests? (laughs)
Uruha: No, but even so you looked at me like you’re angry– (laughs)
Reita: Eh, so he was angry at you to that extent (laughs)
Kai: Give me a break already (laughs)
=At any rate, that kind of diligent application existed for the first time, as a band I think it’s a sign of growth.
Aoi: I wonder what it is, it’s either growth or breakup (laughs)
Uruha: This time, at the last moment (Kai) was at the form of avoiding (me) (laughs). I mean, in that kind of time it’s better to make the other party angry. Because then it will stir him up.
=As expected from the evil professor (laughs).
Aoi: In my case too, in this song I was coached by Professor Uruha about the muted phrase part. “There is vital!” he said that to me and I tried my best, but as I thought it was a bit difficult. When I think like that, I don’t really like shuffle either (laughs) If it’s possible, I  hope you will restrain from doing so next time.
Uruha: (bitterly laughs, in silence)
=Nevertheless, I think the fans like this type of songs very much. Moreover, finally I think with the great members, too, this take has landed in a quite exquisite place.
Aoi: You understand? It’s just that Professor Uruha’s eyes are scary even to that extent (laughs).
Kai: Ahaha (laughs). Anyway, I will be happy if we have more time if we do recording in this method next time (bitter laughs).
=By the way, about [MY DEVIL ON THE BED],  the subject of the lyrics is altogether filled up to the limit by erotic expression, I’ve been thinking about that point, too.
RUKI: Aa, because this is purely a sex song (laughs).
=So blunt (laughs).
RUKI: Because to convey about what meaning which exists in such song is also somewhat… Both the song and the sounds, it had an erotic feeling.
=Sounds which has sex appeal for all the members.
RUKI: Right, right. That’s why I thought there’s no other choice than to make it a sex song to the end. I’m saying this as a joke (laughs).

=Deep song, violent song, and erotic song, while listening to utterly various things, this so-called ballad here is an admirable development.
RUKI: For the first time, this was a song I wrote with the night sky as the theme.
=And just like that it somehow became a beautiful song.
RUKI: When it comes to ballads, up until now there have been a lot of songs that are generally agonizing (laughs). But only for this one, it’s a song that I wrote while being reminded of the peaceful and unduly wide night sky.
Aoi: He’s a poet, as one would expect.
Reita: The night sky that RUKI saw, I might have seen it as well.
Uruha: I saw it too!
RUKI: Oi, what’s with you guys! Suddenly I have bad feeling (bitter laughs)!
Kai: Ahahaha (laughs).
=Just like how you made fun the conversation, this song’s beauty must have touched all of you.
RUKI: Aa, certainly I thought of making it a beautiful song.
=In order to impersonate this delicate beauty, what did all the players keep in mind during recording?
Uruha: It’s about the coexisting SE, right. When I heard this song, the synchronous “powapowa” sound  starting from the intro, I thought it’s important in this song. If it wasn’t been there, wouldn’t it be an ordinary rock ballad? To such extent. But because it’s a really delicate sound, if we play the guitars excessively the sound will be concealed. There we adjust it skillfully.
Aoi: As I thought, no matter how I say it, this song is based on the melody, isn’t it. In other words, if RUKI’s voice were an aurora, the sounds we let out would be the stars shining behind it. … Go laugh at it!
Reita: I can’t laugh at it (bitter laugh). But, my intention was also to play it in simple tones. It doesn’t stand out, but the whole time I persist for a play that can support the song.
Kai: Concerning the drums, instead of the snare drum which sounds like it’s echoing from faraway as RUKI wish, I adjust it to be like the sounds which come out before. That part, I think won’t it make the song feature clearer?
=While this is a song which reminds you of such tale or scene, the given title is [UNTITLED]. What’s the reason of not giving it a definite word?
RUKI: I’ve thought of some. But I couldn’t find the appropriate word to name this. I thought, if that’s the case, then I rather make it untitled and even express the drifting sense of nothingness there.
=Personally, how the scene changes from [MY DEVIL ON THE BED] to [UNTITLED], then continuing to the next [PLEDGE], I like the line up of these three songs. With the exception of these three songs, there are only strong musical composition about the society. From these three songs, the real love condition exceptionally tastes strong.
Uruha: Ah, the flow right. From se to the romantic night sky (laughs).
Reita: Then in the next [PLEDGE] you vow on love (laughs).
Aoi: There’s man and woman drama, right~.
=This song, even if we don’t listen to it in winter it really soaks in. It’s been reaffirmed that this is a good song. 
Uruha: As expected, this ballad is good in the line up. If this can’t be connected after it’s inserted in the album, I feel that the impression will be completely different.
RUKI: The story itself is also connected, right.
Uruha: You mean how [MY DEVIL~] is included, too?
RUKI: Yes, true (laughs).

=The eerie, turbulent maliciousness can also be felt in this song.
Uruha: When I made the original melody, I composed it with the image of “nil”. And how it has become a song with a strong impact, I think that’s because of the words RUKi attached to it.
=In the beginning, the repeating monologue-like voicing is included. Really, the influence of the words in this song is unfathomable.
RUKI: The so-called paradox is like this. The things that people created happened to be a harm to others, isn’t there such reality? Even though from the beginning we must have known that there’s such possibility. There’s nothing but this kind of paradox.
Uruha: It completely points towards [__] right.
=[The pouring out punishment] to [The ruthless light] is quite a symbol.
RUKI: But, in this world touching this kind of scene has been like a taboo. When I was writing it, I thought if it will be something bad if write about such things.
=There’s no way it can be a bad thing. In Japan, originally freedom of speech and the implementation of the freedom are one major privileges provided for the whole nation. 
RUKI: Well, how to say it? We don’t know what people think when they listen to this, right? Even if there are people who will start talking about it, in that case, (I’ll go) “Well, isn’t it okay.” I have been thinking about that too (laughs).
=It’s possible to obtain agreement or approval of this subject from people who listen to this song, though. Like, “Right! I think the same!”
RUKI: Hmm. I think everyone don’t think that they all have the same thought. If you see Japan’s current situation, you can only think the same. For me, at least I want to open the third eye in various kinds of people.
=Somehow or other, the story seems to be connected to the lyrics in [THE SUICIDE CIRCUS]. In a sense that if one keeps thinking to swallow the news one got from other people, one might fail to notice an important truth. 
RUKI: What’s the problem in Japan nowadays? Things like that, too, won’t one understand if one keeps thinking about such matter? I feel that the important thing now is to properly grasp the reality more than anything. Thereby, the so-called “hereafter” will change. A soothing song or a cheering song are okay, too, but from now on I think I want to express the reality that we can’t turn away from in my work.

=Inside [TOXIC] this is certainly the most striking song.
Kai: We barely made it, but because we ought to clear it up somehow we managed to do it. It was considerably a tough song (bitter laughs).
Reita: It’s deep, but it was really difficult to produce a sound with such intensity. I think perhaps doing it at live will be difficult, too. If I can only let out the ordinary roaring sound, the flavor this song has can’t be kept alive. I want to pay attention to that.
Aoi: During the recording, we were also speculating about doing it at live to some extent. But, from now on there’s still possibilities to touch up the sound just a little bit more. This is quite a song worth-drilling.
Uruha; Such death-metal-like song, we’ve had it among the songs we have up until now, but there haven’t been so many of them. So hereafter while producing edgier and sharp nuance, we need to bring the song up to the level we want.
=From the lyric aspect, this [PSYCHOPATH], doesn’t it seem to be a song which digs up and exposes something under a broad daylight?
RUKI: That’s right. To say it in one word, what’s in here is a soul’s scream. But it isn’t just talking about deep matters. This time, in the booklet there’s translation printed side by side with the original lyrics. So to start with, looking at it will be the quick way. 

=Listening to this after [PSYCHOPATH], the  degree of reconfirming is amazing.
RUKI: Lining up these two songs, with the next [TOMORROW NEVER DIES], the flow they create makes the atmosphere feel like it’s already nearing the second half of live.
Aoi: Especially, [VORTEX] has already soaked in lives, right. Even though we haven’t played it many times, but for example at Summer Sonic we could play it with a really good feeling, and it was fun.
It seems like this song was made and directed towards the fan and listeners. The strong and warm message resounds frankly and it is great.
RUKI: This was made as it is so that it is directed to everyone. I wanted to put this song at the very end this time.
=In general, this album has many musical compositions which have agressive tone, but the sound accompanied by the refreshing feeling one can hear in this song is somehow unusually fresh. In some respects, there are parts which feel like they can clean your heart.
Aoi: However, because it’s a song with relatively a lot of scene development, for me this song might have been a handful.
Kai: It’s a song with a lot of modulations, right.
Uruha: Particularly the first half of the song is the spirit. More or less the result of trials and errors became the sound that attacks with this kind of guitar. If I play it with downpicking at every live, my right hand will get tendonitis (bitter laughs).
Reita: Me too, I played this song with a new fingering method I worked out. But, I think it became a greatly appropriate song to sum up such an substantial album.
RUKI: Inside this album, there are many forms of the “present”, but these are my honest feelings now. I guess the point is like “You guys! Live somewhat sternly already!” (laughs). It includes things that I want everyone to never forget.

=This ending SE, it’s something Uruha-kun made.
Uruha: Yes. Ruki said he wanted a chaotic SE that seems like everything will break apart, so I put the sounds together this way.
RUKI: A digital world that ends in short (circuit). That was the image.

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